Ducks in a Rose | Home Organization with LeaRose (801) 923-2310

Get ready to have your socks knocked off right into an organized drawer where they belong!

Free Consultation (30 minutes via phone call, text, or video chat)

During the consultation I'll have you tell me the details of your project and what you’re hoping to accomplish. I’ll explain my organization process. and if we agree we’re a good match, we’ll set up the first in-home organizing session.

In-Home Organizing Sessions

I come to your home to work where we:

To be organized or not to be…that is the question. Spaces and Project options:



At this time, I am taking on limited clients and am available for Saturday sessions and weeknight evening organizing sessions.

Offered to Farmington, UT, and surrounding areas. I primarily serve clients within a 30–minute drive of my Farmington Home Office. Travel fees outside this service area are $40 per hour.

The Process

An important step to getting organized is to consider if you have more stuff than space. To be organized and stay that way there needs to be a designated place for everything you decide to keep. This means we’ll need to sort through and get rid of items that are no longer adding value to your life so we can properly organize the ones that are.

The first session will include an in-home assessment, planning of the space, discussion of products to be purchased if needed & wanted, and sorting through of items in space to be removed and decluttered.

As we sort through items, you’ll be in charge of deciding what to keep or remove, and I’ll be there to assist and guide you in your decisions.

The items you keep will be organized back into the space in a way that is functional, beautiful, and easy to maintain.

Wrapping up the project includes removing or donating unwanted items. After sorting, purging, and tidying the space we’ll also discuss your plan for maintaining the space and create a system for putting things back into their assigned places.

Is It Really Worth It?

Getting organized can do more for you than just make your home beautiful. Research has shown that being organized can: